Towards real world interoperability.
"ODF Plugfest helps even small companies and individual developers who have limited resources to focus their activities on important issues. Lots of inspiring ideas and a great learning experience."
Jakub Ondrusek
Comsultia (SK)
9th ODF plugfest - Programme
The latest version of the programme of the 9th plugfest can be found at the plugfest wiki.
The programme of the plugfest will again consist of of a technical part where the actual plugtesting is done (under Chatham house rule) and a part which is open to the general public.
Your contributions will be evaluated by an independent programme committee, consisting of:
- Alan Bell (OpenForum Europe)
- Patrick Durusau (Individual)
- Basil Cousins (OpenForum Europe)
- Roberto Gallopini (Sourceforge)
- Sophie Gautier (TDF)
- Bart Hanssens (Fedict)
- John Haug (Microsoft)
- Michiel Leenaars (NLnet foundation)
- Louis Suarez-Potts (Individual)
- Jos van den Oever (WebODF, KO GmbH)
- Rob Weir (IBM)
The 9th plugfest hosted by:
And organised by: