13th ODF plugfest programme
The programme of the 13th ODF Plugfest consists of a part which is interesting for the general public, and a technical part where the actual plugtesting is done (under Chatham house rule). On the evening preceding the plugfest (= Monday 9th) there will be an informal pre-plugfest dinner for those already in the city (more details).
Confirmed speakers include
- Terence Eden (UK Cabinet Office)
- Marina Latini (The Document Foundation)
- Stuart Mackintosh (OpenUK)
- Flavia Marzano(City of Rome)
- Jos van den Oever (co-chair ODF TC)
- Franklin Weng (Software Liberty Association of Taiwan)
- Italo Vignoli (LibreOffice)
- Marc van de Graaf (Ministry of General Affairs, The Netherlands)
- Aarti Nankini (Microsoft)
- Malte Timmermann (Open-X-Change)
Complete programme
If you wish to make suggestions for the programme, please head over to the ODF plugtest wiki.